Straight Talk

Find Out What You Need To Know About Teeth Straightening and Clear Aligners

Tahlia Fellows gets started on her clear aligner journey

Tahlia Fellows gets started on her clear aligner journey 1024 683 Urban Smile

Tahlia Fellows, Hawthorn AFLW Player is excited to start her journey with Urban Smile’s clear aligners What was your trigger to wanting to have your smile updated? Honestly, I had heard so…

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Meet Ally Eley

Meet Ally Eley 1024 683 Urban Smile

Clear aligners turned out to be the perfect choice for Ally, fitting into her daily routine. “As a singer-songwriter from Melbourne, music is my passion. Whether I’m writing songs, recording, or hitting…

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Meet Ambassador Nathan Borg

Meet Ambassador Nathan Borg 1024 683 Urban Smile

What inspired you to start your treatment with clear aligners?  When I was a teenager, I had braces and afterwards I wasn’t really happy with how it looked. As I got older,…

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How long have clear aligners been around for and which are the best?

How long have clear aligners been around for and which are the best? 1024 683 Urban Smile

Achieving your Dream Smile has never been easier thanks to the wide range of teeth straightening methods available today. Clear aligners are an alternative method for straightening teeth and offer a convenient…

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Are Clear Aligners painful? 

Are Clear Aligners painful?  1024 683 Urban Smile

Thinking about getting your teeth straightened with clear aligners but worried about what this will feel like? Have no fear! Read our top tips on what to expect and how to manage…

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The Benefits of Smiling (There Are More Than You Think)

The Benefits of Smiling (There Are More Than You Think) 1024 683 Urban Smile

A smile is such a simple expression, and yet it can have a huge impact on mood, relationships and even confidence.  Most people rarely consider how much they smile, and our Melbourne…

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Dentist vs. Orthodontist (What’s the Difference?)

Dentist vs. Orthodontist (What’s the Difference?) 1024 683 Urban Smile

It’s quite common to think that orthodontists and dentists share the same expertise especially when they both care for our healthy smiles. It’s surprising to know that each of them performs different…

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Can Clear Aligners Cause Cavities?

Can Clear Aligners Cause Cavities? 1024 682 Urban Smile

When it comes to straightening teeth, clear aligners are one of the most practical and effective ways to a perfect, healthy smile. Clear aligners are less invasive, discreet, and can be conveniently removed for routines such…

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Can Clear Aligners Fix Overjet? (3 Benefits You Should Know)

Can Clear Aligners Fix Overjet? (3 Benefits You Should Know) 1024 684 Urban Smile

While straight and healthy teeth can boost your self-image, more often than not perfect smiles don’t naturally happen overnight. So if you find yourself hiding your smile or fussing over crooked teeth,…

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How to Fix a Gap Between Your Teeth? (4 Ways to Do It)

How to Fix a Gap Between Your Teeth? (4 Ways to Do It) 1024 683 Urban Smile

Gaps between the teeth, also known as diastemas, can be a source of insecurity for some people. They may feel self-conscious about their appearance and want to find a way to close…

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5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Invisible Braces

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Invisible Braces 1024 683 Urban Smile

With dental technology continuing to advance at an incredible rate, it’s now easier and even more affordable than ever before to get your teeth straightened. Invisible Braces allow for a really discreet…

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Alternatives to Braces for Straightening Teeth

Alternatives to Braces for Straightening Teeth 1024 683 Urban Smile

Over the past few decades the traditional metal braces have always been the “go-to” for teeth straightening, but with smaller and clear metal braces becoming increasingly popular, there’s been incredible demand for even…

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3 ways to how much clear aligner experience your Dentist has

3 ways to how much clear aligner experience your Dentist has 1024 683 Urban Smile

It’s easy to think that you’ll get the same smile result no matter which Dentist you choose for treatment right? Wrong! Yes, clear aligners are made from 3D plastic, and printed at…

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5 Secrets to make your clear aligner journey easy

5 Secrets to make your clear aligner journey easy 1024 683 Urban Smile

Okay, so you’re 100% sure you don’t want the metal train tracks (aka braces), after all, you don’t want yet another reason not to smile in photos!  But is clear aligner treatment…

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Choosing the best Orthodontist in Melbourne for your clear aligner treatment

Choosing the best Orthodontist in Melbourne for your clear aligner treatment 1024 683 Urban Smile

We answer the big questions about having braces or clear aligners in Melbourne and help you research the best treatment provider for your needs. 1. LOCATION The biggest advantage of clear aligners over traditional…

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Is clear aligner orthodontic treatment faster than braces?

Is clear aligner orthodontic treatment faster than braces? 1024 683 Urban Smile

You may have heard in many cases, Invisalign treatment is faster than braces. This can happen for several reasons. 1. Clear aligner digital treatment planning – orthodontists precisely plan the straightening of your teeth…

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Does clear aligner orthodontic treatment fix an overbite?

Does clear aligner orthodontic treatment fix an overbite? 1024 683 Urban Smile

Many people have been told that their teeth are too complex for clear aligner treatment, but even the most severe cases have been treated with clear aligners. Added to this myth, many…

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Are Clear braces better than clear aligners?

Are Clear braces better than clear aligners? 1024 683 Urban Smile

Clear braces and clear aligners are both discreet, but which one is right for you? We’ve come up with this handy set of questions to help you determine whether clear braces or…

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Choosing the Best Orthodontic Melbourne Practice for You

Choosing the Best Orthodontic Melbourne Practice for You 1024 682 Urban Smile

How Do You Choose the Best Orthodontic Practice? (Key Considerations). But first, what is Orthodontia? Orthodontia is a specialised branch within dentistry that focuses on correcting abnormalities of the jaws and teeth.…

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Do clear aligner attachments produce better straight teeth results?

Do clear aligner attachments produce better straight teeth results? 1024 683 Urban Smile

Using attachments for clear aligner treatment to straighten your teeth is vital for achieving faster and more accurate results for our Melbourne patients. You might be interested to know, when clear aligners…

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