It’s Never Too Late to Straighten Your Teeth SmileUrban Smile//
As we age, it’s common for our teeth to shift, which can lead to misalignment and even impact our oral health. While many people think orthodontic treatment is just for kids and…
Dentist vs. Orthodontist (What’s the Difference?) SmileUrban Smile//
It’s quite common to think that orthodontists and dentists share the same expertise especially when they both care for our healthy smiles. It’s surprising to know that each of them performs different…
Can Clear Aligners Cause Cavities? SmileUrban Smile//
When it comes to straightening teeth, clear aligners are one of the most practical and effective ways to a perfect, healthy smile. Clear aligners are less invasive, discreet, and can be conveniently removed for routines such…
Can Clear Aligners Fix Overjet? (3 Benefits You Should Know) SmileUrban Smile//
While straight and healthy teeth can boost your self-image, more often than not perfect smiles don’t naturally happen overnight. So if you find yourself hiding your smile or fussing over crooked teeth,…
How to Fix a Gap Between Your Teeth? (4 Ways to Do It) SmileUrban Smile//
Gaps between the teeth, also known as diastemas, can be a source of insecurity for some people. They may feel self-conscious about their appearance and want to find a way to close…
Does clear aligner orthodontic treatment fix an overbite? SmileUrban Smile//
Many people have been told that their teeth are too complex for clear aligner treatment, but even the most severe cases have been treated with clear aligners. Added to this myth, many…
Choosing the Best Orthodontic Melbourne Practice for You SmileUrban Smile//
How Do You Choose the Best Orthodontic Practice? (Key Considerations). But first, what is Orthodontia? Orthodontia is a specialised branch within dentistry that focuses on correcting abnormalities of the jaws and teeth.…